The analysis of these data will combine up-to-date statistical techniques with theoretical concepts drawn from both economics and sociology.
Local knowledge, a concept drawn from anthropology, is special knowledge that is context-specific.
These were interspersed with parallel concepts drawn from modern sciences such as "genetic codes" and "galactic convergences".
Unlike New York, which modernized its penal law in 1965, Massachusetts still relies upon vague, if colorful, concepts drawn from the centuries-old common law.
They seek to explain the universe in terms of concepts drawn from theory, studies of cosmic rays and atom-smashing experiments in gigantic accelerators.
Conversely, when he contemplates his life he uses concepts drawn from his vision of the field.
He was noted particularly for his work on enzymes, using concepts drawn from organic chemistry to understand their mechanisms.
The curriculum combines classical music excerpts with academic concepts drawn from Minnesota state education standards, and focuses on a different subject each year.
Unitarian worship will tend to use gender-inclusive language, as well as language and concepts drawn from a wide range of religious and philosophical traditions.
From concepts drawn of rotating black holes, it is shown that a singularity, spinning rapidly, can become a ring-shaped object.