The concentrations tend to be much higher in the woods or areas with shrubbery.
And as limbs tire, concentration tends to lapse.
"The concentration of media tends to tell the moviegoer 'This is important, pay attention.' "
When the mind is calm, concentration not only becomes possible but tends to naturally arise in some form.
However, the highest concentrations of toxins tend to be in the rhizome.
Without doubt, the concentration of some incomers in estates has tended to limit their chances for establishing close social relationships with Shetlanders living nearby.
Higher concentrations tend to be characteristic of debris flows, less of normal fluvial flow.
Another thing which had always annoyed him was the way his concentration tended to waver when he came to a sticky bit.
The concentration of calcium in the body tends to decline as we age because it is released from the body through sweat, skin cells, and waste.