The concentration profile of the impregnated compound depends on the mass transfer conditions within the pores during impregnation and drying.
The biologically active chemicals that play an important role in wound healing are modeled with Fickian diffusion to generate concentration profiles.
Using a modified Poisson-Boltzmann equation and a mean field equation, the concentration profile near a charged surface is solved numerically.
Plug flow reactors have the additional advantage of greater separation between reactants and products giving a better concentration profile.
This concentration profile is expected to agree with the Boltzmann distribution (more precisely, the Gibbs measure).
The extractant is able to diffuse to the edge faster than it can be carried away by the solvent, and the concentration profile is flat.
These agonists have different time course and concentration profiles for activation of the different MAPK pathways.
In other words, X is the average position weighed on concentrations, and can be easily found from the concentration profile providing it is invertible to the form x(c).
Continuous operation and mixing causes a very different concentration profile when compared with a batch process.
Furthermore, because the sputtering continually etches deeper into the sample, concentration profiles as a function of depth can be measured.