Occasionally, high concentrations of organic carbon indicate anthropogenic influences, but most DOC originates naturally.
The concentration of autoinducers in any given area indicates the size of the population.
The concentration of carbon indicates elevated biological productivity levels, possibly due to high levels of nutrients available from interbedded volcanic material.
Sometimes the dense concentration of the bones indicates a container of organic material, sometimes the bones were simply shattered.
A few hours after injection, medical equipment is used to detect the gamma rays emitted by the Tc; higher concentrations indicate where the tumor is.
The attached cells in the plates were washed once with PBS and replaced with fresh medium containing various concentrations of drugs indicated.
Although it is not as potent as other antioxidants present in olive oil, its higher concentration and good bioavailability indicate that it may have an important overall effect.
High concentrations in slow tissues will indicate longer stops than similar concentrations in fast tissues.
Linear stability theory applied to a configuration of the Bénard sort with appropriate concentration and temperature differences across the layer indicates motions of a salt finger type.
This concentration could indicate water present as remnant ice or in hydrated minerals.