In 1947, he calculates, around 25 percent of the nation's manufacturing output came from highly concentrated industries.
There is substantial academic literature suggesting that smaller government units are easier for small, concentrated industries to capture than large ones.
"All the major competitors in an already highly concentrated industry now have a platform from which to agree how to market their tickets."
He said that had the decision gone the other way it would have encouraged other deals in highly concentrated industries.
As with all highly concentrated industries, glassworks suffer from moderately high local environmental impacts.
But this is a very concentrated industry.
To be sure, the 47th Street diamond merchants have not lost their distinction as one of the nation's most highly concentrated industries.
So, part of the problem is, it's a highly concentrated industry.
That is, a law designed to level the playing field and promote diversity in an increasingly concentrated industry vital to the political debate.
Unions and their struggle for wages and better benefits usually target larger firms that have a concentrated industry.