What followed was a determination to concentrate on practical help for members, and the Automobile Club (as the RAA was called then) became an Association.
Last year the team concentrated on defensive help in Plan B signings.
The budget preparations, he told reporters, will concentrate on help for small and medium-sized businesses, new industries, and the swelling ranks of the unemployed.
Many workers were also worried that the community care proposals would lead to de-skilling, partly because of the increased use of non-professional helpers and partly because care packages would concentrate on practical help with a lower value being placed on the less quantifiable aspects of social work support.
Employee-assistance programs, which traditionally concentrated on psychological and medical help, are also adding legal assistance.
Our effort has to concentrate on mitigating the misery of their livelihood by giving them hope and practical help.
It was Eisenhower who, concerned about the Soviet challenge represented by the unmanned Sputnik spacecraft, defied the Republican Party by concentrating far more on federal help for math and science instruction than the party would have liked.