Less concealable weapons like rifles can still be legally bought for keeping at home.
This is a Mark 34 Energy Projector, the most powerful concealable weapon in the known universe.
This pistol was designed to be carried as a backup gun by law enforcement and security professionals or anyone desiring a small concealable weapon.
For covert operations, the easily concealable weapon could be fitted with a silencer.
As a concealable weapon, the push dagger was a favorite choice of civilian owners requiring a discreet knife capable of being used for personal protection.
Also, the institute says six pounds would be sufficient to construct not a bomb but an "easily tranportable and concealable" weapon to disperse lethal radioactivity.
"I need a weapon, concealable but powerful."
He recommends that suburban guerrilla bands should be armed with easily concealable weapons, such as handguns and a sawed-off shotgun or carbine.
In countries where handguns are more costly or difficult to obtain, criminals might convert legally purchased or stolen shotguns into concealable weapons.
As a small, concealable weapon with a high rate of fire, machine pistols have numerous applications.