When they get the chance they sting; the same with the innovators who conceal themselves amongst the people, when they are able, they do what they desire.
The escaped demon was more likely to be downing fly eggs and vodka at the Waldorf-Astoria than concealing itself amongst such wretchedness.
She feared someone was on her track, and not daring to conceal it amongst her own belongings, she contrived this hiding-place.
Mrs. Oliver took a key from a pocket concealed amongst her purple folds and unlocked the door.
Canister, which spread from a gun's barrel like duck shot, was for use against troops in the open, not for infantry concealed amongst rocks.
It was in the afternoon, when he had gone up onto the wall alone, that Walsh thought he saw the girl concealed amongst some rocks a little way to the south.
During the day it conceals itself amongst grass in a temporary refuge that it makes in the soil surface, or under dead leaves, bark or stones.
As soon as I have completed these notes I will conceal this journal, and the earlier volumes of it, somewhere amongst the prestiges which lie in the vault.
The sharks conceal their heads amongst the egg masses, while their stripes break up the outlines of their bodies.
Every day he carried dynamite charges concealed amongst his tools, placing them beneath the private dining room.