And 53 percent of those surveyed said that advertising for computer-related products did not appeal to women because it was aimed at men.
It indicated that slack demand for computer-related products might have ramifications well beyond the chip makers.
Pegatron was formed as a design and manufacturing service provider of computer-related products that had previously been operated by Asustek.
Econocom, which holds 1.2 million shares, or 13.8 percent, of Decision Industries' shares outstanding, distributes computer-related products.
Rebating has been most common with computers and computer-related products.
Late in 1975, Philip began discussing the idea of starting a company to make computer-related electronic products with John Ridges (who by then was a student at the University of Colorado).
The Internet slump led to a drop in trademark applications for various sorts of computer-related products and services.
Inmac was the first company to sell computer-related products and accessories via direct-mail catalogs.
Sales of all computer-related products by toll-free telephone will be $4.8 billion, he said.
In September 1975, Hudson Soft began selling personal computer-related products, and in March 1978 started developing and selling video game packages.