Throughout the franchise's production, spacecraft have been depicted by numerous physical and computer-generated models.
Eden FX created computer-generated models for all four seasons of Enterprise.
The dead lying in the streets of New Orleans were not abstractions or computer-generated models.
That was further refined when it was made into a realistic computer-generated model by Industrial Light & Magic.
Eaves' team was able to finish the design and Foundation Imaging created a computer-generated model for the episode.
Produced by Herman Zimmerman's art department, it was the first Klingon ship to debut as a completely computer-generated model.
They began to move, ever so slowly, as if he were looking at the real thing instead of an incredibly complex computer-generated model.
Participants said that the computer-generated model could not be controlled and that the disease spread to three states within 60 days, requiring 50,000 people to contain it.
For Generations, they began using computer-generated models for certain shots.
No physical miniatures were ever built for the refugee ships, for instance, and the Enterprise-B's encounter in the ribbon also solely used a computer-generated model.