These computers, which were introduced last June, have a product life of five to seven years and sell for $3,300 to $15,000.
The first computer sold fewer than 10,000 machines by some estimates.
Almost every personal computer sold uses one of those operating systems.
The computers will sell for less than $700.
Despite minor price cuts, the tiny, elegant computer had not been selling well.
Unfortunately, there was an error in the software, which made all the computers sell shares and carry on selling them.
A computer that costs about $1,000 in a Western discount store sells here for 40,000 rubles or more - $64,000 at the legal exchange rate.
"Money" can be added either manually or when the computer sells its idle time in the network.
Most computers sold this year came equipped for the Internet.
These were generally expensive specialized computers sold for business or scientific uses.