I soon got the opportunity to get a job as a computer repairman in Milwaukee.
I actually had a computer repairman make an emergency house call last Thanksgiving because I couldn't figure out how to install a new mouse.
He manages to convince her he's just a computer repairman, but she still resolves to kill him since he can identify her.
If I had to talk to somebody I think I'd much prefer a computer repairman or a mortician.
Finishing an order of ribs at Stage Coach, Bob Reamer, a computer repairman, said: "You mean he caught his manager hitting the sauce?
And then there's all the office work: the insurance, the computer repairmen.
"It's good, but I usually like it straight out of the can on white bread," said Mr. Dahlback, a 38-year-old computer repairman.
Psychologists at the moment are sort of like would-be computer repairmen who cannot open the computer to see how it works, let alone use tools to fix it.
Selina is shocked to discovers that the hospital's computer repairman is Steven.
"In my neighborhood, lots of folks support Bush," said Ed Souls, a computer repairman in Walterboro.