Microsoft has offered medical help to a 16-year-old computer prodigy in Pakistan who is critically ill in hospital after suffering seizures and a heart attack.
But what would the Mafia want with a computer prodigy, or an atom bomb?
Philip Gale (1978-1998) was a pioneering Internet software developer, computer prodigy, and sophomore student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Jeff, introduced in Some Girls Bite is a tall, lanky, mop-topped, 21 year-old computer prodigy and shapeshifter of unknown shape.
Their 16-year-old son, Maxwell Eric, a music lover and computer prodigy, tutored local students in designing Web sites and served on the Police Explorers.
Pakistan's president and prime minister have both offered condolences to the family Arfa Karim, the teenage computer prodigy.
The album's story casts Del in the role of Deltron Zero, a disillusioned mech soldier and interplanetary computer prodigy rebelling against a 31st century New World Order.
Thanks to the likes of Steven P. Jobs, the founder of Apple Computer Inc., and William Gates of the Microsoft Corporation, young computer prodigies are now considered potent drivers of the economy.
In 2006, at age 19, the computer prodigy Aaron Swartz wrote a program to put up a mirror archive on the web.
But Chang, a computer prodigy, was brought by his parents to New Babylon, hoping to get him hired in Carpathia's forces.