As coordinator, Ms. Sacchi does not operate out of an office filled with banks of telephones, fax machines and computers plugged into the Internet.
At the time, many assumed that broadband was what you got when you connected your computer to the modem plugged into your wall.
By the time Yocke got his computer plugged in and running, Jake was snoring lightly.
It plugs into the wall socket, and the computer (or television or stereo or other electronic device) plugs into it.
Personal computers, sometimes using a sound card plugged into the computer.
He said he coped with the traffic by using his six-CD changer and cell phone, and a laptop computer plugged into the dashboard.
When the move is done, Corbis's New York office will contain nothing but people and their computers, plugged into a digital archive.
One guy's computer plugged directly into his brain.
Hubcaps are retrieved, broken glass swept up and computers plugged into the cars' data boxes.
Lacking its own monitor, the computer plugs into a TV screen for display.