Mr. Moore, the director of market programs, said Prodigy did not want to be used primarily as a network for computer aficionados desiring to communicate with each other.
Why is it both drug addicts and computer aficionados are both called users?
The software is popular with college students and other computer aficionados, who can use it to download movies without the agreement of the studios that own them.
Mr. Bloomberg devised a computer network but is no computer aficionado.
Loved ones who try to shop for computer aficionados do so in constant fear of making some gross technical faux pax.
Both August and Philip are self-described computer aficionados, although they have many other interests.
Online bulletin boards have moved beyond the realm of computer aficionados and are now encroaching on the turf of the local coffeehouse as the place to discuss neighborhood issues.
Only 10 years ago, personal computer aficionados were jumping for joy at the possibility of adding 16K, 8K or even 4K of memory to their computers' capabilities.
Flight Simulator has reached an enduring cult status among personal computer aficionados.
This inspired Mr. Kleimo in a way only a computer aficionado could be inspired: he wrote a random-name generator that spits out pairings (