All these factors will have a significant effect on the computational speed and time of the simulation.
But that just shows you, computational speed is key in a lot of these things.
Did the program triumph because of computational speed or because of its sophistication?
Some of the model types make assumptions about the atmosphere which lengthens the time steps used and increases computational speed.
Over the last three decades both concepts have made a remarkable progress improving computational speed and image quality.
I have a linear computational speed of sixty trillion operations per second.
The specific weight used is dictated by the data as well as considerations for computational speed.
The cost difference measures the strength of the present "wow-effect" due to sudden improvements in data compression or computational speed.
On the one hand storage currently has limitations as stated, but computational speed is a different matter.
By the early 1980s, the computational speed of computers, along with refinements in climate models, allowed longer experiments.