Like in many European countries, it is the last year of compulsory schooling.
Private noncompulsory education is a far better model than compulsory public schooling.
There, in 1651, he set up a new education policy introducing compulsory schooling.
Staff with a job which not requires training beyond compulsory schooling.
Minors have compulsory schooling required of them that has to be worked around.
It also passed an educational law in 1949 which introduced compulsory schooling for all children between the ages of 5 to 14.
The informal clubs take place during the last two years of compulsory schooling and meet for at least three hours each week.
An education system which dictates 9 years of compulsory schooling for every child is in place.
Young girls, as well as boys, should have access to compulsory schooling.
At this point, however, compulsory schooling was not in place.