He held this position until being put on compulsory retirement.
This change means that from 6 April 2011, employers will not be able to issue any notifications for compulsory retirement.
He continued to consult though reaching compulsory retirement in 1932 and did not formally retire until just before his death on May 15, 1945.
The proposed changes include increasing the minimum age for officers and establishing compulsory retirement at 45.
Included in the new contract is the compulsory retirement of doctors at the age of 70.
Verly is set to compulsory retirement by the republic in October 1870.
The question put in the referendum was, "Do you support the proposed compulsory retirement savings scheme?"
Perhaps not surprisingly at a company with a compulsory retirement age of 60, the two 56 year-olds seem more interested in the next one.
Marsh took compulsory retirement at the age of 60 in February 2007.
In 1969 he was finally forced to accept compulsory retirement, and later died in 1970, aged 57 years.