The compulsive drive towards a mystical mode of religion is particularly interesting in the three faiths of historical monotheism.
Tardive akathisia involves painful feelings of inner tension and anxiety and a compulsive drive to move the body.
The music did not have a compelling, compulsive drive like the kind we sense in Beethoven; the themes here are not analyzed, expanded, contracted and transformed.
Additionally schizophrenics and people with frontotemporal dementia can also experience a compulsive drive to write.
The salesman in Silverberg's tale has a compulsive drive to sell.
Those with a rarer disorder, anorexia nervosa, shun food in a compulsive drive to lose weight, becoming emaciated but nonetheless thinking they look fat.
But this may take rather a long time as the European institutions' compulsive drive for power will eventually meet with financial resistance.
Over on our side we have a compulsive drive to move into any area that offers opportunity, and your country is dying.
Perfectionism can be defined as a persistent compulsive drive toward unattainable goals and valuation based solely in terms of accomplishment.
His compulsive drive for realism was already in evidence - a pig-gutting scene in "Jude" features an actual pig being gutted.