Police officers may be in position to stop a bomber, but their best intentions could compromise sources and methods that have taken years to develop.
The purpose was to encourage other spies to confess since obtaining proof of spying without compromising sources of information is almost impossible.
Similarly, she argued that she couldn't provide any details about "compliance incidents" without compromising confidential sources and methods.
The C.I.A. worries about compromising sources and methods of gathering its intelligence.
While writing in vague terms to avoid compromising sources, the commission said Mr. Hussein's government was able to foil many of N.S.A.'s eavesdropping attempts.
The release of the document has been delayed while the British government works out how to produce convincing evidence of the threat from Iraq without compromising sources.
Raw intelligence reports cannot be published without compromising confidential sources and methods.
But when she felt pressed to compromise confidential sources, she properly refused to cooperate further.
He added that he hoped more intelligence about such efforts could soon be made public, without compromising sources, to help persuade allies, Congress and the public of the need for action.
This can prove useful when policy-makers need to explain policy decisions or communicate with foreign officials without compromising classified sources.