Prior to the amnesty law being passed, investigations had revealed compromising information.
Similarly, the subject will threaten to compromise information about consumers in the industry database unless funds are received.
But the recent use of private investigators to search for compromising information turns a tough but acceptable practice into a dangerous trend.
But there is no direct evidence, like photographs, showing the couple turning over compromising information to the Russians.
He was insulted - what had he ever done that suddenly the bureaucrats didn't trust him not to compromise privileged information?
Some governments fear that proprietary software may include defects or malicious features which would compromise sensitive information.
But the bureau insisted that any further explanations would themselves contain compromising information and asked for a rehearing.
For the court to consider the environmental claims, Judge Sifton said, "would inevitably compromise privileged information."
The firm says it fears that further disclosures would compromise confidential corporate information.
They found it more plausible that it was in fact a camouflaged murder, because he had a lot of compromising information on other people.