Research institutes comprising the scientific center include:
The Westminster Historic District comprises the historic center of Westminster, Maryland.
New Town is the youngest and largest of the five independent (from the Middle Ages until 1784) towns that today comprise the historic center of modern Prague.
It holds a 50 year renewable lease with the State of New York, which owns the land, theaters and buildings that comprise the center.
The Middleburg Historic District comprises the historic center of Middleburg, Virginia.
The district comprises the center of Baltimore's municipal government and the eastern portion of Baltimore's commercial district.
In 1838, the area comprising the commercial center, plus a number of homes, was incorporated into Newtown Borough.
But these twelve rooms on East 118th Street comprised the center of his organization, and often he did not leave the building for days at a time.
Hard-packed clay comprised the center of the road, perhaps as wide as a farm wagon.
Together, these two galaxies comprise the center of the Dorado group.