Its troop convoy, thought to comprise between 1,000 and 2,000 soldiers, camped overnight 45 miles outside the capital.
At 3 PM, two columns of army, each comprising 100 to 120 soldiers staged flag march in the city.
In reality, the latter comprised just a few sullen soldiers tagging along at the back of a patrol.
The Force is eventually expected to comprise 1,000 soldiers.
Its eight companies comprised ninety soldiers each, plus the superior and inferior officers.
Their battalions, known as tabors, comprised 12000 soldiers, paid a heavy price of 9000 killed or wounded.
The senate's decisions were to be enforced by a unit known as the Gvardija, which initially comprised 150 soldiers.
The firing squad comprised three more local Bolsheviks and seven soldiers.
Thus in one place he states that the position of San Juan was held by two companies comprising 250 soldiers.
Her complement was 250 comprising 150 mariners, 30 gunners and 70 soldiers.