His butterfly collection comprised 9000 pieces from all over the world.
The full service comprised 4,370 pieces, with 19 pieces per individual set.
This excellent prize comprises no less than nine pieces to help our winner set up home.
"The original red suite comprised 72 pieces," the countess said.
It is based on the Ångström distribution, comprising various pieces of free software.
It comprised two pieces, the bottom large enough to cover its wearer's navel.
The earliest extant edition of the collection, from 1807, comprises 40 pieces.
It comprises 32 indeterminate pieces written using star charts as source material.
The first and the third masses are large, each comprising more than 20 pieces, while the second mass is extremely short with just 7 versets.
The complete incidental music comprised 19 pieces (2 are missing) of varying length and importance.