Other Services comprise activities relating to public lighting, equipment for traffic control, video surveillance and the management of votive lamps.
Katimavik builds participants' skills during the course of the program by implementing five learning programs, comprising various essential activities and workshops.
Initially this comprised mainly activities involved in electoral campaigns in support of people seeking political office.
Canadian retail operations of the Big Five comprise other activities that do not need to be operated from a regulated bank.
MTC denotes high-performance computations comprising multiple distinct activities, coupled via file system operations.
The Clinical Support Team comprises nurses, therapists, services, activities and dietary professionals who work with the Shahbaz to provide individualized care for each elder.
This is an annual event that comprises different yearly activities.
The schedule traditionally comprises social, networking, tourism and educational activities.
Fringe activities comprised activities such as a weekly weekend Night carnival, with booths selling food and drinks as well as eco-friendly merchandise.
They seem to have been under royal patronage and to have comprised industrial activities, craftsmen, and artisans, as well as merchants and traders.