The compound now includes minor examples of the historical architecture.
The compound also includes a mess hall, kitchen, showers and bathrooms.
The compound includes a museum, near the water-well (which dates from 1911).
The medical compound includes five hospitals and one reference center for laboratory studies on the regional level:
The compound includes two large buildings and a Moorish-style bell tower.
These compounds included commercial uses, particularly the Guerra store that dominated the town's commerce.
The compound includes a 4,400-square-foot main house, four other houses, a pool and outbuildings.
The compound includes a chapel, recreation center, school, large correctional industries operation and a medical clinic.
The compound includes a playground for the students and a beautiful garden.
Other compounds produced by Brettanomyces yeasts include 4-ethylphenol, 4-vinylphenol, and 4-ethylguaiacol.