Talopeptin is a chemical compound derived from cultures of Streptomyces.
These organic compounds, ultimately derived from food, are the necessary source of energy for animals.
There are only a few known antidotes, one of which is a compound derived from milk thistle.
Ammonia was the first such refrigerant, but it has been replaced by compounds derived from petroleum and halogens.
So called because of certain red compounds derived from it.
Thiophenols also describes a class of compounds formally derived from thiophenol itself.
Naphthoquinone is a class of organic compounds derived from naphthalene.
Sinapyl alcohol is an organic compound derived from cinnamic acid.
Here his research efforts were directed towards characterization of biologically active compounds derived from plant sterols.
One in every four purchases from your local chemist contains compounds derived from rainforest species.