When mixed with water this compound decomposes ultimately liberating chlorine.
This compound is stable in the solid state for a week but decomposes in contact with air.
This compound decomposes in the waste water stream to liberate cyanide gas.
The compound decomposes when exposed to sunlight and usually has a lifetime of six days in the environment.
When metals are near the bottom of the reactivity series, their compounds generally decompose easily at high temperatures.
The compound is insoluble in water, and slowly decomposes by moisture in the air.
The compound is stable indefinitely at low temperature, but decomposes before melting.
When exposed to light and air, the compound decomposes to elemental gold.
But the company also said the compounds do not easily decompose and therefore are not environmentally friendly.
The downside to this simple reaction is that the compounds may decompose at these elevated temperatures.