Then, with a twinkle in his eye, he said the new fellow would actually benefit; he would be getting an additional eight days of interest compounded daily.
The current rate is 9 percent, compounded daily.
"The vig is one percent a week, compounded daily, and you got ninety days to pay up the principal or I break your legs."
"Interest rate is twenty percent, compounded daily."
The liens, until satisfied, continue to accrue interest at 18 percent, compounded daily, which more than covers the bondholders' return of 6.8 percent.
As an example of what this shift can mean in dollars, consider an individual buying a $10,000, one-year certificate paying 7 percent interest compounded daily.
"If you are examined, you can get hurt with interest compounding daily."
On the flip side are reasons why "Treasury Bonds" is the league's most valuable player, such as: "He plays so hard he gives 110 percent, compounded daily."
Interest compounded daily.
Secrecy, a form of lying, was a variety of interest that compounded daily.