The compound crystallizes in a cubic motif.
The compound crystallizes in a four-coordinate tetrahedral structure.
The compound is more soluble in the volatile solvent, and so the compound becomes increasingly insoluble in solution and crystallizes.
As the solvent composition changes due to an increase in solvent that has gas-diffused into solution, the compound become increasingly insoluble in solution and crystallizes.
As the solvent composition changes due to diffusion, the compound becomes increasingly insoluble in solution and crystallizes, usually at the interface.
The compound crystallizes as tetragonal birefringent crystals.
The compound crystallizes in the rutile structural motif, i.e. the connectivity is very similar to that in the mineral rutile.
The compound crystallizes in a tetragonal body-centered unit cell of space group symmetry I4md.
When heat reaches that wall, at the cigarette's midpoint, the compound crystallizes and snuffs out the fire.
The compound crystallizes as a yellow-orange hygroscopic needles.