These compounds, produced by organic decay, can cause photon emissions.
The compound caused no major adverse effects and, according to the study authors, is safe for human consumption and long-term use.
Laboratory studies explore how and whether toxic compounds cause disease at the organismic level.
Many volatile organic compounds, which are considered chemical contaminants, can cause acute effects on the occupants of a building.
One compound in this herb, called harmine, may cause euphoria.
At these levels, he said, there was no evidence that caffeine and related compounds caused or promoted the growth of cancer or damaged the heart.
First the toxic compound causes irritations when in contact with the eyes and skin.
Meanwhile, Gordon finds out that the compound has been laced into the entire city's water supply, but can only cause harm if inhaled.
The genetic studies, the company said, "are used to determine whether a compound causes genetic changes in the structure of living cells."
What specific compound in the pisarko could have caused the allergic reaction.