The cationic complex is of historic significance as the first compound with N bound to a metal center.
The 1938 report that this compound reversibly bound O led to intensive research on salen and related ligands for the storage or transport of oxygen.
Also the compound does not bind to other steroid receptors.
A familiar compound of a single hydrogen molecule bound to two oxygen molecules - with a lot of harmful bacteria mixed in.
As a result, Dr. Shell said, the compound binds to five times it weight in fat molecules and passes out of the body through excretion.
Preliminary research indicates that nine compounds found in ginger may bind to human serotonin receptors which may influence gastrointestinal function.
Tumors can be stimulated to grow when estrogen or estrogen-like compounds bind to receptors sometimes present in cancer cells.
The degree of unsaturation specifies the amount of hydrogen that a compound can bind.
In processes that begin during fermentation and continue after bottling, these compounds bind together and aggregate.
This compound would then bind to the paper pulp, adding weight and diminishing visibility of the inner contents of the envelope.