His composer friends were engaged on other projects, but mentioned that Dvořák was looking for a project.
And then one day I was talking about her to a composer friend and she said, 'That's my saint.
It bothers me," he said, "that I don't really have any composer friends.
Bourne was asked by composer friends to brainstorm about films that could be adapted into stage productions in his dance style.
"When I travel, composer friends stay here and write music on this piano," she said.
Back in Paris in 1919 Milhaud and his composer friends formed a group called Les Six.
Ms. Morgan had help from her composer friends and colleagues, but no real collaborators.
Everything changes though when Gun-woo's composer friend turns out to be none other than Joon-young.
A lot of my composer friends wrote pieces for them, and when they gave a concert of the new works, I was blown away, really taken aback.
I took a composer friend with me, thinking he might perceive a deeper scheme afoot.