Why would most audiences prefer to do without that which we composers feel such an imperative to write?
It seems to me that these composers should feel a little less smug and more defensive about their position.
The composer felt his voice wasn't suiting well.
Now American composers feel free to write in any style they choose.
More debatable is how comfortable the composer felt with his sexual nature.
Even so, the composer felt he should hear the others, but there were no others.
This kind of melodic doubling often occurred in old operas, as if the composer felt the voice needed support.
Initially the composer felt unsure how to respond, even indirectly, to so immense an event as 9/11.
"The composer would feel flattered if he heard that," Thurston laughed.
I think composers feel that with the toy piano, there are no rules to be broken, so the sky is the limit.