In New York he met Léon Theremin and other composers exploring the boundaries of electronic music.
Rarer still is a staged performance of Britten's "Paul Bunyan," in which the composer explored American musical idioms.
A composer explores voices of the Holocaust, Boston Globe, January 18, 2008.
Today, when composers are busily exploring improvisation and electronic manipulation, traditional notation, notes on the page, seems under siege.
The orchestra's composers and arrangers explore this musical mash-up and others in a collection of new works.
Newer composers deeply suspicious of older forms of sentiment have explored its rhythmic and percussive qualities with wary enthusiasm.
During this time composers were exploring many new ideas.
In the middle of the century composers such as Harry Partch and Ben Johnston explored just intonation.
(Few composers after him have explored it.)
The "Golden Ratio" between the sections are always marked by some musical event, and composer explores her fantasy fully in articulating this moments.