Each functional component of an Umwelt has a meaning and so represents the organism's model of the world.
Both components of each pair represent the extremes; normality lies somewhere in between.
Each component represents a single topic, concept or asset (for example an image, table, product description, a procedure).
Let's solve for that first term on the right since at low speeds its spacelike components represent the coordinate acceleration.
The index's components represent both pure-plays and more diversified firms.
Grids can collapse during low demand because each "spinning" component represents a greater fraction of total generation.
Instead, Chinese characters are glyphs whose components may depict objects or represent abstract notions.
The components represent demographic, economic, and military strength.
Each component represents a property necessary to sustain fire: fuel, oxygen, heat, and chemical chain reaction.
Each component represents polypedons that belong to a particular soil series.