Spectrum: The component frequencies that make up a wave.
Each data taper is multiplied element-wise by the signal to provide a windowed trial from which one estimates the power at each component frequency.
The peaks of the calculated power spectra (which demonstrate the most likely component frequencies) were not distributed consistently.
In the second picture, it is a question of the relative phase of the component frequencies.
This enables one to talk sensibly about signals whose component frequencies vary in time.
Once transformed, typically into the frequency domain, component frequencies can be allocated bits according to how audible they are.
After these subspaces are identified, a frequency estimation function is used to find the component frequencies from the noise subspace.
Still cited widely today, this paper deals with the basic question of how the cochlea works to analyse sound into its component frequencies.
Acoustic dispersion is the phenomenon of a sound wave separating into its component frequencies as it passes through a material.
Hence, separation of component frequencies is measured by the rate of change in phase velocities as the radiated waves pass through a given medium.