The many distinct components of the site contribute to the diverse community that it attracts.
These components reflect students' overall learning achievement and contribute to the semester final grades of the students.
Draw up a site specification identifying what you are trying to achieve and how various components of the site contribute to this.
The objective function is essentially a measure of how each component in the system contributes to the production of the desired product.
It is likely that several different components of the plant contribute to the effect.
Both the potential and kinetic components will contribute R/2 to the total molar heat capacity of the gas.
Two other components related to the frontal lobes contribute to the social behavior of a witzelsucht patient.
In addition, it's not clear if extra weight causes diabetes, or if some underlying genetic component contributes to both.
To further research this concept, studies are being conducted to unveil what components contribute to one's level of emotional granularity.
Whether non-peptide components of the mixture contribute to the biological activity is unknown.