When color reproductions are made, the image is separated into its component colors by taking multiple photographs filtered for each color.
In 1704, Sir Isaac Newton demonstrated that white light could be split up into component colours.
Those rain (or smaller) drops break white light into its component colors.
With color, Y still represents intensity but it is a composite of the component colors.
When an object's light is broken into its component colors, an image akin to a rainbow is formed.
You can separate the white light into its component colors and each color would have a wavelength associated with it.
While I descended, the hues from the stair-lights kept pace as the component colors in the spectrum shifted up from red toward violet.
This method uses a similar principle to how a prism works to separate white light into its component colors.
He demonstrated that white light could be split up into component colours by means of a prism.
The imaging spectrograph, for example, is an instrument that separates light gathered by the telescope into its component colors.