The bedamned complication of being Ross's full adjutant required him to juggle too many glass balls.
The average hospital stay following a lung transplant is generally one to three weeks, though complications may require a longer period of time.
In extreme circumstances, this complication may require a skin graft, but this is very rare.
Most end up with only a bad headache, but sometimes complications require emergency treatment and hospitalization.
These complications can become life-threatening and nearly always require emergency surgery.
Other risk factors included a Caesarean delivery and post-operative complications requiring that she stop breast-feeding for several days.
In addition to risks related to a surgical procedure, complications from this therapy can occur and may require surgery or cause return of symptoms.
Symptoms and complications caused by pseudocysts require surgery.
Bleeding in the brain, a very serious complication of hemophilia, requires emergency treatment.
I understood that there was a lot of red tape to be considered and such complications require time.