But the rejection of the subject renders some more complicated theory necessary.
This is a slightly complicated theory, so naturally it has not become as well-known as 'schema and correction'.
He disliked complicated theories, and while he had great mathematical ability, he would never use it when the job could be done much more simply.
He even predicted Freud's death would be around the age of 51, through one of his complicated bio-numerological theories ("critical period calculations").
For his edification, Bian explained, "It's a complicated legal theory.
It can be explained in terms of some very complicated mathematical theories having to do with chaotic effects and chemical holography.
It is a very complicated theory, but there are two important things about it:
He could explain complicated theories in everyday terms.
You come up with this fancy damned complicated theory and where does it go if you can't find the kid?
This movement was interested in the more complicated theories of motivation, the emotional world of the worker, job satisfaction, and interviews with workers.