In the complicated logistics of visitation, the children spend two weekends a month with their respective fathers.
Races can be won and lost in the complicated logistics of changing kit, adjusting lights and taking on food and fluids.
That's not just because of the complicated logistics that govern such shows.
At $200,000, the tower will be one of the most ambitious projects the fund has ever sponsored, also because of its complicated logistics.
Additionally, it was felt that having a small number of guns of atypical caliber unnecessarily complicated logistics.
However, it was said, if the apparently complicated logistics for one of the concepts can be figured out, a winner might well be named sooner.
Gabrielle has to deal with the complicated logistics of sleeping with a high-school student.
Because this means complicated logistics, middlemen, and money-laundering.
But the more targets you want to specify the more complicated your logistics is gonna get.
Skeptics insist that you can't make money running an airplane on demand like a taxi because of the economics and the enormously complicated logistics.