Was he Jehovah, the son of Jehovah or a complicated combination of the two?
The masked man recorded the complicated combination of the fireproof safe in Mason's laboratory.
Or, put we the case, those complicated combinations, camiknickers?
Anxiety is a complicated combination of symptoms that can control a person's lifestyle.
Real systems often exhibit a complicated combination of them.
In many games, players need only swing and twist the Wii controller rather than have to master complicated combinations of buttons and triggers.
It was also about more practical concerns like money and time, and increasingly complicated combinations of the two.
That version had only a single performance, on Feb. 17, 1904, and was booed off the stage for a complicated combination of reasons.
It is a sophisticated and complicated combination of gearing, electrical motor-generators and computer controlled electronic controls.
Because of its highly complicated combination of cylinders, the device will probably cost $50,000 per unit.