This extension has, however, been criticized for being difficult to use and requiring the user to memorize complex syntax.
Normal subjects appear to express themselves using more complex syntax, whereas flat affect subjects speak with fewer words, and fewer words per sentence.
Syntaxis (contrasted to parataxis) is style in writing or in rhetoric that favors complex syntax, as against simple sentence structures.
Who cares about universal access to information if people can't read or understand complex syntax?
Mr. Greenspan's comments were direct - for someone who customarily speaks in a syntax so complex that it is open to more than one interpretation.
A trained classicist, Phillips plays complex syntax against free-verse line breaks, juxtaposing clarity and ambiguity.
Ms. Ferre calls her Spanish prose baroque, its elaborate style full of adjectives and complex syntax.
The Navajo language had a complex syntax and no alphabet.
- with the possible exception of Richard Olney, who is unfortunately too often all but unreadable with his overly complex syntax.
A concept query should not require any special or complex syntax.