As the game has evolved into a series of increasingly complex strategies, more players are needed to implement them.
A more complex cognitive strategy would be figuring out how to organize, cluster, remember, and apply new information.
But it's one thing to be aware of complex strategies and lies that might be going on around you.
Connection games typically have simple rules, but complex strategies.
I believe that they can be easily defeated simply by using complex strategies against them.
Sometimes, drastic or complex strategies are required for data transfers.
After a consultation, it will try to save customers money through methods that run from a simple change in equipment to a complex financial strategy.
The plan was simple to mount and, like most good strategies, however complex, simple to execute.
Increasingly, stocks are also sold short as part of complex strategies that involve several trades.
"It's a fairly new, very complex strategy," he said, "and that's what raises the caution level a little bit."