This process helps classify similar odors as well as adjust sensitivity to differences in complex stimuli.
During systole, the heart muscle contracts (becomes smaller) in response to a complex electrical stimulus generated automatically by the body.
Thus, complex stimuli could be processed as wholes so long as they occupied a small visual angle.
In contrast, we find it to be a very complex stimulus containing both situative as well as interactional elements.
IRMs are hard wired mechanisms that give an animal the innate ability to recognize complex stimuli.
A cortical cell is not sufficiently precise or finely tuned enough for specific objects, and to some degree most cells respond to any complex stimulus.
"The left hemisphere is also more responsive to complex auditory stimuli, not just speech but rapid tone sequences," she said.
Generally, the responses are broadly tuned, but some cells appear to respond only to complex stimuli.
Rapidly changing urban surroundings and exposure to more complex stimuli may also enhance intelligence.
In general, his research revealed the specific neural circuits for recognition of complex visual stimuli.