Instead of producing highly detailed, complex paintings, he limited his materials and thus achieved a more immediate effect.
The most visually compelling are complex, mazelike paintings created by systematically layering rectangular blocks (Johnson).
This complex painting, discovered not long ago, is his memorial.
As simple as the image and composition may seem, this is a dense, complex painting.
The medium is not limited to just simple designs; it can be used to create complex paintings, just as in other media such as oil and acrylic.
"Inland" is 6 feet wide by 8 feet tall and the most complex painting in the show.
An age difference in complexity preferences exists as well, where preference for complex paintings increases as age increases.
Small but complex paintings by Mihn-Jung Chae are the most satisfying.
The achievement of "Ghosts" is to use words as brushstrokes, to create in language an artwork that has all the appeal of a complex painting.
These are huge, complex and difficult paintings that leave many visitors bemused.