It's really a piece of applied social engineering, based on some exceedingly complex mathematics which I wouldn't pretend to understand.
Do you realize that most Masadan women cannot read or do mathematics more complex than what can be counted off on fingers?
Its main goal is to give an overview of the subject but, unusual for a popular science book, it also attempts to explain some complex mathematics.
The problem can be solved, but quite complex mathematics and a computer are required to solve it.
By 21 years of age, he attained the ability to calculate complex mathematics in his head, usually through memorization.
And, most challenging, he had to wrestle with complex mathematics to explain how the codes were broken.
Search engine work on a relatively simple principle, but using some very complex mathematics to derive their results.
This is all just mathematics - complex mathematics, for sure, but not beyond us.
Only she had any grasp of the immensely complex mathematics.
There was a strong focus on intellectual subjects, such as literature, classics and complex mathematics.