Jubal, having spent hours of most complex maneuvering in order to toss in this one remark, now waited with his best poker face to see what would happen.
Through complex political maneuvering, Lucas was made a Brigadier General in 1810 or 1811.
Now, several Western diplomats believe, his announced lack of desire to become party chief may suggest complex maneuvering within the senior echelons of the party.
It was a cheap and effective docking technique, for a rate of spin was much easier to manage than complex maneuvering.
Of Within one week, lightning speed for this kind complex legal maneuvering, Judge Linda Kaplan had ,denied the defense requests.
After the execution of Charles I in January 1649, Scotland entered a period of complex political maneuvering.
But still, there was no time for complex maneuvering; I had to brave the enemy in his den and win his cooperation.
Besides, she hated Zion's world of social activity almost as much as she disliked the complex maneuvering of the Temple's internal factions.
The captain's absence from the bridge during the highly complex maneuvering would be difficult to explain . . . The desk speaker crackled.
All but two are represented by separate lawyers, setting up what is emerging as complex legal maneuvering.