It is portable and can be used without complex installation, for example in anonymous surroundings or in the victim's home.
In these complex installations, purpose-built rooms lined with mirrored glass contain scores of neon coloured balls, hanging at various heights above the viewer.
Horizontal spacing requires more complex installation, but brings better performance.
Plasma-arc and gasification plants are highly complex installations and only compete with converter technology at the level of industrial-size converters.
This small survey gives a sense of what he's been up to of late, in complex installations and text-and-photos pieces that tackle racial prejudice and disaster.
At this time, Stuart also created complex multi-media installations involving light and sound elements.
Some programs are too big to install practically; others apparently don't work because of copy protection or unusually complex installations.
The real clunker, however, is unfortunately the largest and most complex installation.
She is perhaps best known for complex installations made of unusual materials.
His complex installations, mixed-media works that can fill several rooms, are crammed with colorful detail.